Sunday, 12 February 2012

today's journey

jyahahhahah Maaf gak tau judulnya apa??? TAT. dan kayaknya balik dulu deh nulis pke bahasa indonesia. ^^:

so, hari ini tuh males banget mau ngapa2in.. walaupun sebna banyak job si. heheheheh.. ya sebna rencana hari ini si mo ketemu temen gw Naru. ada sedikit job buat dia.. (walaupun masih belum pasti oke atau nggaknya). berhubung ternyata gak bisa ketemuan ya uda deh diem aja di kosan.

eh tapi gak taunya malah sedikit berantem sama pacar.. jiahahhaha well kyna mo PMS nih. dan syukur banget bisa kelar.

berhubung perut uda keroncongan. bahkan gembel2nya pun pada demo. ya uda deh. gw pergi ja buat cari makan. niat semula sih kepengen makan Gian Pizza yang di arif rahman sana.
tapi apa daya niat untuk makan steak lebih besar dari pada pizza, TAT. so pindah haluan menuju tempat makan steak.

sampai disana. entah kenapa semua orang pada ngeliatin. well, memang aneh ya klo makan sendirian.. segitu #foreveralone kah diriku ini?? TAT

ya uda deh.. bodo amat.

so, gw pesen steak warung, es teh manis, sama aqua.

no meja gw.

gak beberapa lama ketika minuman gw dateng. datenglah segerombol orang yang tatapannya ingin mengusir gw dari tuh meja.. errrrr.... woi gw juga bayar cin.. dan yang dateng duluan kan gw!!!

well, masa bodo dengan mereka. gw diemin aja deh. dan akhirnya pesenan gw pun dateng.. n.. whut???? sumpah itu dagingnya pada kemana???? perasaan klo pesen steak warung di jogja dagingnya BESAR deh.. TAT korupsi nih abangnya.

sayang gw lupa foto. pokonya tuh isinya, cuma sepotong udang, makjang cuma 1 cuy di jogja bisa 3-5 ekor, daging ayam berukuran 8cm. bahkan gak sampai deh udah gitu agak basi lagi rasanya *hoek, dan daging sapi yang berukuran sama, plus tepungnya yang belum mateng.

jiahahahah pokonya beda banget sama steak warung yang di jogja. berhubung klo ke jogja kadang pacarku suka ngajak disana jadi tau lah kualitasnya gimana.

hmn... ya uda deh.. nunggu itu steak turun sambil minum aqua.. gak beberapa lama gw pun ke kasir dan pergi lagi menuju SUSHI MIYABI.

well, ini resto lagi happening bgt kyna... sampai buka beberapa cabang. yang gw tau sih ada di tebet, Jl.margonda depok, dan yang baru di kemang. maybe ada di daerah lain.

ya kerena penasaran dan pengen survey juga. soalnya kk gw. si tia. ribut mulu minta di traktir tuh sushi.. ^^; maklum dia belum pernah nyoba sushi.. klo gw mah... jiah.. klo lg kaya ya sekali2 makan sushi.. XD.

then, begitu masuk... beuh..

tempatnya rame banget >0<. ya uda gw putusin buat di take away. but, eang pengen sedikit makan dessert jadi daku pesen ja tuh yang namanya nuguroho tempura ice> entah kenapa koq gw ngehnya jadi nugroho ya.. XD

dan pesen california roll buat take away.

well, berhubung tempatnya rame.... ( ya biasalah klo rame pasti lama)

dan bener aja 20 menit kemudian baru dateng deh tuh dessert.

ini dia penampakannya.. lumayan ya?

lalu, tanpa pikir panjang langsung gw santap..

nyam.. nyam.. nyam.. jiah... ternyata ini mah tak jauh beda dengan roti goreng dalemnya di kasih es krim.. XD.

ya berhubung harganya masih reasonable.. ya gak masalah lah..

si nugroho itu pun habis dan tampaknya sushi gw masih belum selesai.. TAT.

so, si waiters nya kasih gw ocha buat nunggu. (mungkin biar gw gak ngamuk kali ya)

dan akhirnya yang di tunggu2 pun tiba setelah 15 menit nunggu.. yey.... my sushi

akhirnya langsung minta bill dan pulang.

well. ternyata harga di sushi miyabi gak terlalu mahal lo.. pajaknya juga.. bisa dibilang harganya cukup bersahabat lah.

pesenan daku california roll, plus nugroho itu cuma sekitar 35rb plus pajak. dan yang bikin enak adalah.. mereka mengratiskan ocha dan itu boleh refill.. >0< mantabh deh.

my bill.

oh ya tadi gw juga sempet liat menu sushi yang lain. macam salmon dan unagi, itu cuma sekitar 29rb. belum termasuk pajak si.. tapi... murahkan?? di banding di resto2 lain bisa sampai 35-50rb dan belum pajaknya. XD. klo disan apajak cuma 10% klo di resto lain.. ada yang bisa sampai di ramen itu tuh... TAT.. bikin makan di itu ramen 1 kali.. gw harus puas 1 minggu.. XD.

jiahahahahahah ya uda deh.. uda ngantuk tidur dulu deh..

masya allah abis makan tidur. bener2 deh kebo!!

Tuesday, 7 February 2012

Rapunzel cosplay and the other disney princess

yay, finally. my rapunzel costume has been finish. well.. it make's me wanna dead. b'coz. i got some trouble. i have a costumer who forgot to remebering me that he want's to use his costume at hellofest. TAT
but finally i can finish it. that's the power of "kepepet" (kepepet is mean we are in a desperate time for deadline).

well,i start to make the costume at the last week before the event. if u see my last post about the rapunzel. u will see that i already paint some details on the skirt.

so this is the details, about my progress.

1st day,
i finish the skirt detail, i paint with the acrylic paint and paint the basic color (white). b'coz. if i paint directly with the pink color. the color is not very visible. that's way i paint first using white color.

2nd day,
i paint the skirt details with the right color ( pink and blue).

3rd day,

i start to sew the skirt.

choosing the detail @-@

finish ^0^

4th day,
finally. i'm at the climax. i sew the slevees to the corset, add the botton on the back. and making the rope details at the front corset. and finally my rapunzel is finish... kya.....

attach the ribbon ^0^

handsew first

finish the corset (front)

back view

finish the costume

note: i already finish the slevees and styling the wig at the 3 week before the event was held.

5th day
start to packing and. go to the hotel with mika (aurora).
we planned to stay at the hotel. so we can came to the event together. and have a place to keep our belongings.

pascal.... i made 1 hour before we go to the hotel.

finally, the day of event....

well, i wake up at the morning. b'coz i have to help my friend kisame widi (jasmine) to style her wig. she bring a lot of hair bun (well is about 5-6 ) and some of the bun looks like a brain.. so we call it mojojojo hair.. b'coz it remind me about the villain on cartoon power puff girl .. XD

jasmine wig

jasmine wig

and finally.. after put so many of the bun.. the cobra hair (another name of jasmine hair) or mojojojo hair is finish.. it's tooks 'bout one hour to finish this. after that i take a shower and breakfast.... XP

well, my job is not only that. i still have to help my friends ( rui and rhea) applying eye shadow, eyeliner and fake eyelashes.. TAT.. while, mine isn't done. TAT

then, i restyle again mika (aurora ) wig. TAT.. but. this one is much better than before. (actualy i already style it). after that, i styling the cinderella bangs(ikao).

finally. i can finish my make up. and also style my bangs ( rapunzel wig) ^0^

back of my wig, full of flower ^0^

so we're ready to cosplay ^0^

our hotel isn't so far from balai kartini. but since we already dresses so is imposibble to walk from hotel to balai kartini ( the palce where the event was held)

so, we ordered the large taxi ( silver bird alphard).

and in the taxi ikao ( cinderella) she really acting like a princess..she sitting at the front. well, we even laugh at the taxi because she doing something funny. like asking bout the mirror. and we said that at the upside her. there was a mirror. but she asking bout to open it. and acting like she didn't knows if we open the mirror. the light will turn on.. XD

then finally. we're AT Balai Kartini.

c'mon let's dance princess ^0^

when we come out of the taxi. seems like everyone was amazed to see us. @0@

well. almost all disney princess came out from the taxi. minus jasmine, pocahontas, and tinker bell. XD

and then we're heading to the backstage to practice our skit and waiting for out time to perform.

well, actually we have some clash with the committee. but i don't want to talk it anymore.. i'm fed up with them. and hoping next year they will improve they performance.

so.. finally our turn to perform ^0^

here. u can see our video. thanks to naru for taking this pict..
video link

on the stage thank to yohana for taking this pict.

finally, Our dream was to cosplay as a disney princess was achieved. seeing the audience love our perform. and after the perform. so many people who want to taking our picture. even when we rest they still want to take a picture. XD
starting from a strange smile to yaoming face... people didn't stop to capture our pict. TAT.

taken by naru ^0^ thanks prince ali

me with pascal ^0^

the princess + tinker bell

minus ariel.. TAT she going back to the sea XP


well, this is the first time i have experience like that. actually when we cosplay.. we still have time to rest and walk around the place. but.. this time.. we just stand by in the same places. TAT we can't go around. TAT

well. i'm so happy. even i'm so tired. TAT.

we come back to the hotel at 8 p.m

start to packing our costume. and clean up the room. b'coz is really a mess. TAT. even we did't allow the room service to clean our room. XD.

then, we not immediately sleep. but we still hold a gossip time until 2 a.m. XP.

the sun was came. is mean that we will split. ost of them come back to their home. but not with me and rui. we still gping to meet up with a cosplayer from jogja and semarang. to catch up with them. and again is gossip time.. XD.

here the cosplayer.

and the moon has come. i start to come home.. b'cos tomorrow i still have to work. TAT.

note: i lost my voice.. TAT.. is time to drink some herb to recover my voice.